Coastal Virginia First-Time DUI Lawyers
A Client-Centered Approach to DWI Cases in Hampton Roads & Newport News
In Virginia, if you were operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol or with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or higher, you could be charged and convicted of drinking and driving. Referred to as DUI (driving under the influence) or DWI (driving while intoxicated or impaired), this offense can have severe consequences on your life. A conviction could lead to incarceration, fines, driver's license suspension, and other sanctions. To minimize or avoid the penalties, you must fight your charge, and you need an experienced attorney to guide you through the complicated judicial process.
At Tillotson & Martin, we fight to protect the rights and freedoms of those charged with DUIs. Our Coastal Virginia lawyers have over 40 years of combined experience and wrote the DUI book judges, lawyers, and prosecutors read for these types of matters. DUI cases are very involved and contain a scientific element not seen in other criminal matters. To provide effective defense, our team stays informed on changes in the law and the latest technologies. Both of our attorneys are breath test operators and instruct courses on field sobriety tests. Additionally, Attorney Martin is a certified ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist. When you retain our services, we will leverage our knowledge and resources to work toward a favorable outcome on your behalf.
Discuss your legal options during a free consultation by calling us at (757) 568-7978 today.
How Does Virginia Define "Impaired" Driving?
Virginia Code 18.2-266 provides that a DWI charge may be levied when a person's ability to safely drive a motor vehicle is impaired. Virginia courts have held that a person is impaired or intoxicated when their mental and/or physical facilities are compromised.
If any of the following are affected by drugs and/or alcohol, a person could be charged with a DWI:
- Manner
- Disposition
- Speech
- Muscular movement
- General appearance
- Behavior
In DWI cases, the prosecution will attempt to land a conviction by having the arresting officer testify.
To link the driver's behaviors to the definition of impairment, the officer may state that they observed the driver:
- Speaking slowly or incoherently
- Slurring their speech
- Swaying while walking or standing
- Leaning on objects for support
- Stumbling
- Having trouble balancing
If I Wasn't Driving, Can I Still Be Charged with a DWI?
Yes. Even if you weren't actually driving your car, an officer may still arrest you for a DUI. That's because Virginia law provides that a person commits the offense when they "drive or operate any motor vehicle."
The definition of "driving" may be obvious: You're behind the wheel while motoring down the road.
However, things get a bit tricky when defining "operating." Essentially, it comes down to you're sitting in the driver's seat with the keys in the ignition. It doesn't matter if the vehicle was running or not. For instance, you could be charged if you had a couple of drinks and then went to your car just to listen to the radio. You might also be accused of the offense if your car was stuck somewhere with no hope of getting it out, but you were in the driver's seat and your keys were in the ignition.
In some cases, you don't even need to be in the driver's seat to be charged with a DWI. Suppose your friend is driving, but you grab the wheel at some point. Your actions put you in "physical control" of the vehicle.
Can I Be Charged with a DWI While Riding a Bicycle Drunk?
Virginia law states that a person commits a DWI offense when they drive a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs or alcohol. Thus, if you are drunk while riding your bike, you can't be charged under state laws. However, if you're on federal property, such as a national park, you could face charges because federal law says drinking and driving occurs when a person is intoxicated while in control of a vehicle, bicycles included.
What Are the Penalties for a First-Time DUI?
In Virginia, a first-offense DUI is a Class 1 misdemeanor. The conviction penalties include up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500, with a mandatory minimum of $250. If the individual's BAC was between .15 and .20, the mandatory minimum jail term is 5 days. It would increase to 10 days if the BAC was higher than .20.
In addition to incarceration and fines, a first-time DUI conviction also results in driver's license revocation for 1 year.
Get Knowledgeable and Skilled Lawyers on Your Side
At Tillotson & Martin, we know the ins and outs of DUI law. Our Coastal Virginia attorneys train other lawyers, and we teach, lecture, and host seminars in these types of matters.
For compassionate yet aggressive representation, call us at (757) 568-7978 or contact us online.
Why Choose Our Firm?
Put Tillotson & Martin on Your Side-
We Wrote the Book.
We were tasked with writing the book on Virginia DUI Law by Thomson Reuters Westlaw, the leading authority in legal publishing. Prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges often turn to this resource.
We Possess the Knowledge.
Not only are our attorneys committed to attending continued education courses, they lecture and teach courses themselves. In a field as scientific and technical as DUI Defense, keeping our knowledge up to date is crucial to crafting our clients' defense strategies.
We Truly Care.
Mike Tillotson & Jeff Martin go the extra mile for their clients. Our team realizes that this is your future at stake and we will employ every strategy to ensure that we are providing you with the best representation possible.
We Have the Fight to Win.
With nearly 40 years of combined experience, Mike Tillotson and Jeff Martin have successfully handled thousands of DUI cases, and has tried cases across the entire state of Virginia.
Learn more about Attorney Mike Tillotson and Attorney Jeff Martin. They have the experience and expertise that your case requires. Get started on your defense today!