Difference between DWI and DUI?
- What is the difference between DUI and DWI in Virginia?
- Am I being charged with having a blood alcohol reading of 0.08, or being under the influence?
- What is the definition of “impaired” in Virginia?
- Is it better to get a DWI or a DUI?
- What the law says
“Drive or operate”
- How can I be convicted of driving under the influence when I wasn’t even driving?
- My friend with a previous DWI got pulled over. We switched places before the officer got to the car. How can they charge me with DUI?
- What the law says
“A motor vehicle”
- Can I get a DWI for riding a bike drunk in Virginia?
- Why did I get charged with a DUI? I was riding a moped.
- What the law says.
(i) The 0.08 legal limit
- I passed every test they gave me, but blew an 08. How can they convict me of drunk driving when I wasn’t drunk?
- I blew a .07, how could I be convicted of a DWI? I thought the legal limit was .08?
- So how will they try to convict me of a DWI at a 0.07 or 0.06?
- Wrong on the web.
- What the law says.
(ii) Under the influence of alcohol
- How can they convict me of drunk driving without a blood or breath test?
- How do I know whether they are trying to convict me based upon my breath test or impairment?
- What the law says.
(iii) DUI-D: Under the influence of drugs
- What’s the difference between DUI & DWI?
- How can they charge me with DUI for just taking my prescription medications?
- Can I be convicted of DWI just for drinking a little alcohol and taking over the counter (OTC) medications?
- What the law says.