Punishment for the 13 types of DWI:
- What should I expect if I am found guilty of driving under the influence?
- A summary for each of 13 DWIs: 1sts, 2nds, and felony DUIs
- Wrong on the web
- What the law says
Pretrial license suspension:
- The Administrative License Suspension (ALS): the license suspension before your trial.
- Why did they take my license before trial?
- The officer did not take my license even though I was charged with a DWI. Why not?
- How long until I can drive again?
- Can I get permission to drive to work during the Administrative License Suspension?
- Can I get the suspension reversed?
- How do I get my license back? Where do I get my license back?
- Will I have restrictions on my driving after the Administrative License Suspension is over?
- Wrong on the web.
- What the law says.
Typical DWI sentence?
- What is the typical sentence for a standard first driving under the influence charge in Virginia?
- Wrong on the web.
“Predicting” Jail Time:
- How much jail time will I have to serve if convicted?
- STEP 1: See if mandatory minimums apply.
- STEP 2: Add in other defined mandatory time.
- STEP 3: Are there any ”red flags” or aggravating facts that can add extra jail time?
- STEP 4: Subtract some non-mandatory days for “mitigating” or good factors.
- STEP 5: Don’t count on these helping.
Weekend Jail:
- Can I serve my jail time on weekends?
- What are “jail weekends” like?
- Can I drive to my weekend jail time?
- Can I serve a felony DUI sentence (for 3rd or subsequent DUIs) on weekends?
- What the law says.
Jail “days” differ:
- If I get 10 days in jail, how long will I have to serve?
- What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?
- Do I get credit for the time I already served after arrest?
- Can I do weekends for mandatory, misdemeanor, and felony time?
- What the law says.
VASAP, the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program:
- ASAP is really VASAP
- What is VASAP?
- What is intake?
- What does education and treatment consist of?
- The judge says I’m on probation. What does that mean?
- Can I sign up for ASAP before court? Why should I?
- How much does ASAP cost? Can I get a payment plan?
- I don’t have a drinking problem. Is it possible that ASAP will say that I don’t have to take classes?
- What the law says.
Restricted License:
- How long will I have to drive on a restricted license?
- Can I drink alcohol and drive with a restricted license?
- Where can I drive with a restricted license?
- Where can’t I drive on a restricted license?
- Where do I get the restricted license?
- How quick can I get the restricted?
- What do I need to get it?
- What exactly do I get from the court?
- I have to drive for work. Am I guaranteed to get a restricted license?
- Can I get the restricted privileges changed?
- The clerk told me that she could not give me a restricted license in Virginia because I have an out-of-state driver’s license. Is that true?
- I have a Virginia license and got a DUI while visiting another state. I just got a letter from DMV that they suspended my license. Where do I get a restricted license?
- How do I go about asking the court for a restricted license?
- What if I mess up and get caught driving outside my restrictions?
- Wrong on the web.
- What the law says.
Ignition Interlock:
- What is ignition interlock?
- Will people see that I have ignition interlock?
- How long do I need to have ignition interlock on for?
- How does ignition interlock work?
- What is a rolling retest?
- Isn’t requiring a rolling retest dangerous?
- What is using an ignition interlock like?
- Who oversees my installation and compliance with ignition interlock?
- What steps do I need to take to get ignition interlock?
- Do I have to get ignition interlock on all of the cars I own?
- Can I get ignition interlock installed before trial so that I don’t have any driving interruption?
- If I get convicted of DWI, will I need to have ignition interlock before I drive?
- Can I get ignition interlock on a car that I do not own?
- How much do I need to pay for the ignition interlock?
- I drive a company vehicle for work. Do I have to get ignition interlock on that vehicle?
- Can I skip getting ignition interlock if I don’t get a restricted license?
- Wrong on the web.
- What the law says.
FR 44 Insurance:
- What is FR 44?
- Do I have to tell my insurance company I received a DUI?
- I don’t even own a car. Will I have to get FR 44 insurance?
- What does FR 44 require?
- How long do I have to have FR 44?
- What if I drop my insurance, or my insurance company drops me?
- Is FR 44 expensive?
- What other convictions require FR 44?
- Wrong on the web.
- What the law says.
Disqualification of Commercial Driver’s License
Loss of Concealed Carry Permit
Virginians with Out of State DWIs:
- I am licensed and live in Virginia. I was convicted of driving while intoxicated out of state. What will Virginia do to me?
- Where do I get a restricted license?
- What else will I need to do?
- What the law says.
- What the law says.