Michael Tillotson & I started our firm with one simple goal: to be the best DWI/DUI attorneys in Virginia. Reaching our goal keeps us very busy in the courtroom and classroom.
Over a decade ago, we were asked by Thompson Reuters Westlaw to author an entirely new book in their authoritative series for Virginia judges and lawyers. We wrote Virginia DUI Law: Understanding the Scientific, Medical, Technological, and Legal Aspects of a DUI Case, (Vol. 16, Virginia Practice Series) and continue to update it every year as new laws and cases come out. The current edition is over 800 pages and sells to attorneys at more than $400. Being “Westlaw Authors” we have free and unlimited access to their massive digital library. Because it is free to us, all of our research for your case is also free.
I was the first and am currently one of only two attorneys in Virginia with an American Chemical Society (ACS) Forensic Lawyer-Scientist Designation as recognized by the Chemistry and the Law Division of ACS. This training and designation means that I understand the science of blood testing for DUI, DUI-drug, and solid drug cases.
We train other attorneys in DUI Defense. We have been asked by VirginiaCLE to teach Virginia attorneys DUI Testing: Breath, Blood, and Field Sobriety Tests. In addition, we host the only EC/IR II Breath Test Seminar in Virginia to educate judges and attorneys about the limitations of breath testing on the Intox EC/IR II.
I am trained on the EC/IR II and we own the Intox EC/IR. Recently, our firm discovered that Virginia’s EC/IR II has not been operating properly since 2015. I am also trained on the NHTSA Field Sobriety Tests and completed classes in NHTSA’s DRE training (Drug Recognition Expert).
I am a member of the National College of DUI Defense (NCDD), DUI Defense Lawyers Association (DUIDLA), Forensic Chromatography Lawyers (ChromLawyers), and Virginia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (VACDL). Being active on their listservs gives me almost instant access to advice from hundreds of DUI attorneys and experts.
I graduated with honors from the William & Mary School of Law with the Gambrell Professional Award for written and oral advocacy and was one of only eleven students recognized for excellence in research, writing, analysis, and trial practice. I was awarded the Perkins Trust Scholarship and received the CALI Award for my work with the PELE Special Education Advocacy Clinic. In addition, I completed my requirements as a Mediator and was certified by the Supreme Court of Virginia.
My Bachelor of Sciences degree in Biology from Towson University helps me in my work with the scientific and medical aspects of DUI. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with extensive course work in physiology and chemistry, and with a host of awards and scholarships. I participated in original research and worked at the University’s anatomy & physiology lab. I was also a trauma tech at the University of Maryland Shock Trauma (MIEMSS) in the Critical Care and Intensive Care Units.
In the years between undergrad and law school, I sharpened my speaking and advocacy skills by leading two successful churches in Appalachia and Wisconsin.
When not practicing the law throughout Virginia, I live with my wonderful wife, daughter, and dog in Williamsburg, Virginia.