Virginia's Premier DUI/DWI Defense Firm
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A DUI conviction has the potential to impact a person’s life for years. At Tillotson & Martin, we understand the long-term ramifications of this offense, which is why we thoroughly prepare for each case and aggressively fight the charge. Over our 30+ years of combined experience, our Coastal Virginia DUI lawyers have obtained favorable outcomes for past clients. Read about a few below. If you need effective defense for your case in Hampton Roads, Newport News, and beyond, call us at (757) 568-7978 or contact us online today.
  • Not Guilty
    2nd Offense DWI
    Our client was taking a friend back to his car at about 1 am. He suffers from sleep apnea and insomnia and was extremely exhausted. An off-duty officer called in that he was swerving all over the road. When the arresting officer got to the client’s ...
  • Not Guilty
    DWI 1st Accident Involving a CDL Driver
    A commercial truck driver blew a 0.16 BAC after being arrested following an accident. The State Trooper stated the client had slurred speech and failed his field sobriety tests. Insisting on his innocence, the client declined to accept an offer that ...
  • Not Guilty
    DWI 2nd Offense with RISING BAC Defense
    After consuming two glasses of wine earlier in the day, our client was asked to help his daughter move some things on a hot day. On the way home, he stopped at a 7-11 and bought a 22 oz. beer which he drank very quickly. He was pulled over shortly ...
  • Not Guilty
    DWI with .18 BAC & Weaving within Lane
    The officer followed my client for approximately two miles. After the third time my client went from one side of the lane to the other (without ever crossing any lines) he pulled the client over. Even though Field Sobriety Tests were bad, and the ...
  • Charges Reduced, Career Saved
    LT. Colonial’s DWI 1st Offense
    This was a very close case that had we gone to trial, I think we could have gotten a not guilty. However, after discussions with the prosecutor, all sides agreed to have the DWI reduced to a reckless driving with VASAP and fine but no loss of license ...
  • Career Saved
    Military Doctor Found Not Guilty of DWI & Refusal
    A doctor was pulled over and arrested while driving home from dinner. He consumed three drinks over two hours. Despite the doctor’s objecting to the field sobriety tests, the officer insisted he perform them. Because of this, the court threw out the ...
  • Case Dismissed
    Nurse Charged with DWI after Taking Ambien
    A nurse mistakenly took two Ambiens instead of one after having a few drinks earlier in the evening. She left the house, got into an accident, and was arrested. She had no memory of the events. Normally, taking Ambien after drinking is not a defense ...
  • Not Guilty
    Out of State Lawyer Charged with DWI
    An out of state lawyer from one of the biggest law firms in the country was in Virginia for a wedding. He was charged with .09 DWI charge. He hired the best criminal defense attorney in that Northern Virginia jurisdiction and hired me as co-counsel ...
  • Refusal & Case Dismissed
    Overzealous Breath Test Operator
    My client did not do poorly on the field sobriety tests and the driving wasn’t that bad. She attempted to blow six times into the breath test machine but was charged with a refusal. Breath test logs showed she was blowing but never got to the ...
  • Case Dismissed
    DWI 2nd Offense with a .28 Blood Result
    Following a bad accident, the client was taken for a blood test prior to being arrested. No field sobriety tests were given due to injuries sustained in the crash, and no summons was issued. The breath test was suppressed because there was no proof ...
  • Career Saved
    School Teacher’s DWI Reduced to Reckless Driving
    An elementary school teacher was involved in a minor fender bender in a parking lot. Her breath test registered at a .09 but she had a history of acid reflux. Rather than go through a long battle in a trial, the prosecution was persuaded to reduce ...
  • Charges Reduced, CDL Saved
    Truck Driver Charged with DWI and 0.09 BAC
    In a very tough jurisdiction, I filed a twenty-page brief to exclude the breath test. We lost in the lower court and appealed. The circuit court heard the arguments and decided against suppression of the breath test. Another hearing was held ...
  • Not Guilty of DWI, Guilty of Refusal
    Virginia Police Officer Charged with DWI & Refusal
    A State Trooper pulled over an active duty police officer from another jurisdiction. Field Sobriety tests were administered and failed. The police officer refused all breath tests. One by one the field sobriety tests were picked apart both in the way ...
  • Not Guilty
    DWI 2nd Offense with GERD Defense
    A 68-year-old with a history of acid reflux was arrested blew a .13. After a seven-hour trial with experts on both sides, the judge found the client Not Guilty. He commented that the sobriety tests were invalid due to improper administration and my ...
  • Case Dismissed
    DWI 2nd Offense with Pulmonary Lung Disease
    My client was properly arrested for a DWI Second offense. He was given a breath test which he could not do despite repeatedly telling the officers he had a lung problem. The officers stated that even a person with one lung could blow into the machine ...
  • Not Guilty
    Police Officer’s Son Charged with DWI
    A lieutenant in a local police department was referred to us by their top DWI enforcement officer. The client had suffered some severe injuries in IRAQ and had PTSD. The case involved a terrible accident and a forensic blood draw. My law partner and ...
  • DWI 2nd Reduced to DWI 1st
    Prior Out of State Conviction Struck
    The client had an out of state conviction, which the prosecutor had a certified copy of. Prior out of state convictions can be used, but the law at the time of the conviction was substantially similar to our law now. The prosecutor presented the ...
  • Case Dismissed
    Roadblock DWI
    In front of a notoriously pro prosecution judge, Mr. Tillotson was able to convince her that a roadblock plan that Virginia Beach had used for years was unconstitutional because it afforded too much discretion to the officers in the field.
  • Not Guilty
    DWI with .21 BAC and possible Radio Frequency Interference
    My client was stopped at a legal checkpoint and was arrested despite not appearing drunk. We brought several witnesses to trial to cover the events of his entire day. The prosecutor said he was a career drunk so he could handle his liquor. I ...
  • Charges Dropped Prior to Trial
    Exaggerated Police Report
    In the most egregious case of exaggeration, I found 18 different discrepancies in the police report to what the video clearly showed. I quoted the police report for each item and followed it up with what the video showed and provided the exact time ...
  • Not Guilty in Circuit Court
    Felony DWI
    My client was arrested for her third DWI within ten years. She said she would refuse the breath test on the way to the jail. She did refuse at the jail, but the correct law was not read to her. The refusal was dismissed, and the felony certified for ...
  • Not Guilty
    Field Sobriety Test Performed in 5-Inch Heels
    Obviously, a person would have difficulty performing field sobriety tests in 5-inch heels. The Field Sobriety Test manual says for the officer to let someone remove their shoes if the heels are more than 2 inches. The breath test in this case was not ...
  • Not Guilty
    DWI 1st Offense with 0.09 BAC
    In another case where the breath test was successfully challenged with an expert, the case came down to field sobriety tests. They were successfully challenged because of my client’s physical problems, how they were administered AND the environment ...
  • Charged Reduced After Treatment
    Doctor Charged with DWI
    A medical doctor who had a history of trouble with alcohol and who was under supervision by the Medical Board of Virginia received a DUI. The breath test was less than a .08, but people can be convicted with a .05 and above. Rather than try the case ...
  • Not Guilty
    DWI & Refusal After Tummy Tuck
    My client was found guilty of a DWI but Not Guilty of a refusal in the lower court because a doctor testified that she could not physically provide a breath sample due to her recent surgery. Unfortunately, the Judge did not accept the law that states ...