To the Law Office of Michael Tillotson,
Words cannot express my gratitude for all of your hard work in my case. You became more than just a lawyer, but a friend.
Mr. Tillotson, Marla, and Dr. Citron all became a part of my support system. I truly do not believe I could have ever shared the same experience anywhere else, nor the same perfect results. All the hard work paid off and it literally changed my life. You touch so many lives with your diligent efforts. Don’t forget that! I will forever thank you and think of you often.
Mr. Tillotson,
You brought a smile to my face when the days got rough. Thank you so much for being there for me!!!
Thank you again,
Mr. Tillotson,
You are really are the best! I will refer you to everyone I know!
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate your hard work and devotion to my case. During my time my case was pending my life was on hold. A charge such as this one put my career in jeopardy and five years of professional progress at risk. The Navy certainly frowns upon DUI’s and without your counsel I would have certainly not been promotable thus ending my Navy career.
I admit that my case did not look pretty; not pretty at all. However, on our day in court you were somehow able to make the impossible happen. The charges were reduced and my life was put back into my hands. For that I would like to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Without your counsel I am not sure where my professional life would be heading.
With Profound Gratitude,
Mr. Tillotson,
Thank you for all your help with my case. We really appreciate everything you did!
Thank you,
Dear Attorney Tillotson,
Thank you for all your work to help my daughter. I will try and keep her reminded of the things she will need to do. I hope she uses this “Wonderful opportunity” to start a new life. She could not have had a better attorney or Judge. You are truly a Wonderful Person and Attorney.
Thanks again for all your help,
Mr. Tillotson,
I can’t thank you enough for helping me out with my Virginia court case. Especially since our only correspondence was via telephone. Your efforts and kindness are greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,
Big thanks for your professionalism and caring attitude of you and your staff. You helped us when we needed you the most.
Thank you for all your help through a difficult time.
I’d like to thank you for all you did for my son.
Dear Mike,
Finally, the wait has ended. I appreciate all the work you put in. I realize the difficulty and confusion of dealing with an entity without rules or borders.
I really respect that you stand against those who would act so heinously. I think it provided enlightenment to us both about the size and shape of the bureaucracy.
I want you to know that the case was completely thrown out. Stay strong and fight the good fight.
Mr. Tillotson,
Simple words are not enough to thank you for helping my daughter during this stressful time. She has always taken responsibility for her actions and I hope you have seen what a wonderful person she is.
She has grown so much during this experience and I am glad she chose you to defend her. I’m sure you have lots of clients and many of them haven’t learned, but she is the exception.
She truly is the client that deserves a second chance. Thanks to your help, and I think the judge saw that as well. You never gave up on her and I will always remember that.
Thanks again from a grateful father,
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
I really appreciate all the time, effort, and knowledge that you gave to my case. The outcome was what I had requested of you. I want to truly say thank you.
We deeply appreciate your professional talent, skill, and also your kindness and compassion. We could not have gotten through this terrible time without you.
To all who assisted in my son’s defense, thank you so much!
These types of cases must be extremely difficult because the subject of “DUI or DWI” is so volatile. Sometimes the laws for the habitual offender don’t seem strong enough and sometimes they seem too harsh for the one time offender.
Although I don’t know the exact details of my son’s case, I do know he learned a valuable lesson from all this which he has shared with his sisters, colleges, and friends.
Again, thank you all for your time and talents in my son’s defense.
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
How can I begin to thank you for the miracle you performed before the court on my behalf? With a BAC of .28; a DUI charge (the second in ten years) and substantial jail time seemed certain. To have both the .28 BAC DUI and the jail time dismissed was amazing. You are so eloquent and compelling as you argue a case. I applaud you!
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
I would like to express my gratitude to you for representing me when I was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated. You made a plea agreement with the prosecutor for a charge of reckless driving, 24 hours in jail, and 6 months restricted driver’s license. If I had been convicted of DUI, my Air Force Squadron commander would have had justification to demote me one pay grade, along with other consequences. Because I was convicted of a lesser charge in a civil court, my Air Force leadership decided against further military punishment. In a sense, with your representation, my Air Force career was not put in jeopardy.
For future clients, I would like to stress that making the personal sacrifice of serving time in jail benefited my professional career. Instead of trying my case with the odds against me, we decided to make the plea agreement which, in the end, was a better deal for me.
For this, I thank you Mr. Tillotson!
Dear Michael Tillotson,
I am an average citizen residing in the city of Newport News, Virginia. You probably will only vaguely remember me but I was subpoenaed by you to appear as a witness for the defense in a case involving police use of unnecessary force.
The reason I am writing this letter to you is because I have, from the day of the final trial, wanted to contact you so as to tell you how thoroughly, effectively and efficiently you defended your case in the courtroom. Even the judge commented at how effective you were and how “interesting” the case was. You were tactful, very thorough, concise, and penetrating in your defense of your client. Your evidence and presentation was impeccable. Your client was not convicted because of any fault of yours; but because others turned their back on the truth.
I send my highest regard and I congratulate you on your superb performance and professionalism.
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
I am writing today to say thank you for all of your support during this rough time that I had to endure. Your continuous dedication to my case showed me that you took time to prove my innocence.
The kindness of your staff, yourself, and Dr. Citron shows me that there are good people out there in the world willing and ready to defend those that are truly innocent and made an honest mistake. My life would have been in shambles without your help as well as Dr. Citron.
You have given me a second chance at life without the thoughts of having to worry about my insurance going up, going to jail, losing my license, and sitting in an asap class. People like you are a true god send, an angel at that.
Thank you again; there isn’t enough words in the dictionary that can express how I feel.
Dear Mike,
I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule today to speak to some of our students about your work in defending clients accused of DUI. I’m sure the students found it very valuable to hear your perspectives and learn about the challenges you face as a DUI attorney. It’s clear that you are passionate about your work!
Thanks again for your participation. We look forward to seeing you on campus again in the future.
Best Regards,
Good Morning Mr. Wilson,
I contacted your office last year informing you that I was pulled over and I was being charged with a DUI. You referred me to Michael Tillotson in the Tidewater area. I had begun to see many lawyers that week and I felt very comfortable with Michael Tillotson due to the fact that he was very knowledgeable in the area of study and that he mainly worked on DUI cases.
His awards and recognitions impressed me and he didn’t treat like any other case like other lawyers had done previously. I decided to retain him and he proceeded to work on my case and gathering information.
I’m glad to inform you that the case was “Case Dismissed”. The case was continued twice and we were fortunate that the judge listened to Michael Tillotson in all aspects of argument. My lawyer was very meticulous in arguing every aspect possible in my case. Before the case actually presented itself I was working on behalf as well to do everything that I could to help my case.
I presented my lawyer with all of my medical records that included problems with my left knee, right ankle, eyes, and GERD. My lawyer prepared the case to the best of his abilities and left nothing out. We were fortunate to see that the arresting officer didn’t follow some specifications while conducting the breath test and that was the main reason that I believe made the judge rule in my favor.
I understand that these situations don’t present itself too often in Virginia, especially in Virginia Beach. I was shown favor, and I’m very grateful for the ability that Michael Tillotson had to have my case dismissed from a charge of “0.12 DUI 1st offense”.
These have been a rough four months but I was confident that I had retained a lawyer that knew what he was doing. If you need to contact me, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you once again, God bless.
Mr. Tillotson,
I am so grateful for your superb counsel and sincerely appreciate the outstanding and flawless effort for a most excellent result in court.
Just wanted to let you know how much your help meant to me!
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
We are immensely appreciative of your hard work and dedication to my brother’s case and we are pleased with the recent developments.
Thank you very much.
Mr. Tillotson,
I just wanted to take a moment and express my thanks and appreciation for your representation of my son’s court case today. The outcome has exceeded our expectations. We are all appreciative of your counsel, involvement, guidance, and judgment. The resolution of this matter allows my son the very brightest future possible.
We assure you that he will take full advantage of the opportunities to move forward and to be the very best that he can be.
Thank you!
Mr. Tillotson,
Thank you for being amazing. Your expert assistance made the best of a very difficult situation in my life. I hope I never have to recommend you to another, but definitely will without hesitation.
Thanks again.
I sincerely appreciate your effort and help in getting this matter resolved. The consideration you showed me was a credit to your profession.
Dear Mike,
I am one of your client’s daughters and I am not even sure why I am writing this letter.
I do know, however, that I wanted to say thank you. This past month has caused me to experience more pain than I thought I would ever feel in a lifetime.
From the first moment I met you in the courtroom, you have not only treated my father, but me, with nothing less than complete and total respect, dignity, and compassion.
I have found myself handling situations from having my Dad’s cars possessed and filling in his power of attorney with the court house. People have consistently looked down on me as though I myself were either an offender or should somehow been able to stop what happened.
You have talked to us many times on your “day off” and even on your birthday, just to help us understand.
To get through any crisis the best advice I have ever received is to stop and ask yourself what you can learn from this exactly when something happens.
When we sat in the courtroom that day for my dad’s bond hearing, the judge looked at all of us and said, “I hope you don’t think I am going to listen to all of those people.”
You held your head high and with compassion and sincerity explained that we were his family. Thank you for recognizing our pain and treating us with dignity that so many people have not.
I wish I could do more when the door closes on this case for you, please remember you did everything you could to make it easier for all of us. Know that you showed me you have a huge heart and are a good person.
I know we were unable to pay you for this case, but feel free to share my praise for you and use our family for a reference if it would even help you at all.
Mr. Tillotson,
Thank you so much for everything you have done for my son and me. We were represented well.
Thanks for all of your work with everything, all the calls and paperwork. Your kindness was well appreciated.
(This letter was transcribed from attached letter. Client was charged with a Felony 3rd offense DUI and Refusal, and reckless driving. The DUI and Refusal charges were dismissed. The client was found guilty of reckless driving. He kept his driving privileges and avoided very substantial jail time. Initially he was found guilty of the Refusal charge in the General District Court and was sentenced to serve 6 months in jail. His felony DUI was certified for trial in the Circuit Court. The client then heeded my advice to involve two experts for his trial in Circuit Court. As a result the charges of DUI and Refusal were dismissed. The letter is from his very elderly mother who is in poor health. She was grief stricken at the thought of her son spending quite possibly a year or more in jail.)
Hello to Mr. Tillotson,
I told you at court I would write you. I wish to say, “Thank you sincerely for all the good work you did for my son”. You are very talented in your job. God Bless You. I love my son very much and if he would have gone to jail, it would have killed me. You will always be in my prayers.
Now my son can enter those Bass Tournaments. This means a lot to him. Now if he can find a sponsor it would help. Many thanks again.
I would like to thank the Law Firm of Michael C. Tillotson for the Dismissal of all 4 of my charges:
1. DWI
2. Open Container
3. Reckless Driving
4. Driving without LicenseThanks for everything,
Attorney Tillotson,
Thank you so much for answering the knock at your door earlier this year. It was cold and raining and fate pointed me to you. You worked faster than I expected and my husband was home by Wednesday.
We are now able to concentrate on the cremation and memorial services of our baby, which was difficult for me to handle.
Thanks again,
Thank you again for all your help and advice!
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
I want to thank you for all of your hard work in my case. I continue to recommend you to any of my friends who are in need of a valued attorney. I appreciate all you have done for me.
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
I wanted to write and thank you for representing me in court earlier this year. I felt very confident knowing that you had answered all of my questions.
I have no reservations about referring you to other persons who may be in need of your fine services.
Again, thank you for all that you have done.
Best regards,
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
This letter serves as a gracious thank-you note for the services you have rendered on my behalf during my recent legal affairs. I was extremely nervous and skeptical about the possible outcomes from my compounded errors. Thanks to your diligent analysis and presentation of my circumstances, I feel that my life may once again resume a more normal course. Also, with the compliance I will devote to the restrictions imposed by the court, I am experiencing my first calm in many, many months.
Please accept my heart-felt gratitude about the manner in which you presented the description of my behaviors and misjudgments I have made concerning my divorce. Your succinct explanations put my plight into a reasonable perspective. Please assure yourself and the court that I shall be addressing my remaining problems through continued medical health attentions as well as the other obvious fronts which I also need to pay close attention to.
Although the confusion about my sentence was complicated between court and the errors from the court office, I remain in your debt for your good and thorough work on my behalf.
Please contact me if any further assistance or documentation is needed on my part and also know I was well satisfied with the results of your efforts.
Mr. Tillotson,
We received your letter and wanted you to know that IF we ever hear of someone in need we will certainly forward your card…as for my son, HE will never need a DUI attorney again!!!! What an eye opener this has been for him. Please know that we feel you were the best one for the case and we were pleased and impressed with you and your staff.
Thank you for everything. You will be in our prayers.
Dear Mr. Tillotson,
I would like you to know that we are very happy to choose you as my husband’s attorney. You were well connected and respected. Not only that, you were kind and gracious to see the reality of our financial difficulty.
Thanks for your effort and kindness.